Which new amp to get?

I’m thinking of getting a new power amp to replace my 25 year old Audio Research VT 130 SE.  My other equipment includes KEF Reference 5 speakers, Audio Research LS 22 preamp, Audio Research PH 3 phono stage,  Innuous Zenith 3 server, and Auralic DAC. My room is about 24 x 18.  I’d like to keep using the Audio Research preamp and phono stage, and I’m leaning towards a solid state amp more because of convenience than for sound. I’ve received several good recommendations from dealers but am getting confused by all the choices.  So far, here are the nominees: Coda 8, Krell duo 175xd, McIntosh mc312, ps audio bhk250.  All are solid state in the $6-7,000 range, which is my price point .   Other suggestions have been Airtight (tubes and expensive) and Audio Research (more tubes and they make the VT80 for $9500.. possibly not enough power..but the next step up is close to $20,000).  I’m open to considering others.  Mainly, I want an amp that’s long lasting and low maintenance, pairs well with my preamp and phono stage, and compliments the KEF speakers, especially their great imaging and sound stage.  I’d appreciate any input and also hearing from those who own some of these components.  Thanks. 
From a tube/vinyl proponent, the closest I have come to the organic realism of tubes in a solid-state amp was delivered by the cult classic three in my book- Forte 4 with Soderberg mods, Bedini and BEL.  To attempt to understand my bias I think the top of the tube heap is the Coincident SET and Coincident Dragons- that is what I compared lots of SS amps to (including audio research, Carver, Sunfire, Moscode, Counterpoint, etc.). Instead of dropping serious coin on new amps, try a used one of those- all can be had for around $1000. Compared directly in a digital system - not mine- against Pass Labs X250 monoblocks, each of these amps performed quite well, garnering split decisions among my buddies
I just ordered the Coda .8 ..  Supposed to ship Monday.. Version 1 - 150 watt.. I've owned Parasound A21, Classe CA2200, older Krell, so I can only compare to them..  My other stuff currently is Parasound JC2-BP for preamp, Modwright Oppo205 (with NOS Mullard tubes) with everything feeding into that, and speakers Salk Sound - Song3a and some good cabling so I don't think anything will be holding back the sound from showing through.. I can offer my 2 cents in about a week.. I can't wait.. 
Congratulations.  Hope you will post a review when you’ve had enough time to evaluate it.  Meanwhile, have fun.