Considering Gryphon Diablo 300 "OR" Simaudio 700iv2 ???

Hi everyone,

I am considering one of the two integrated amplifier's now as I am downsizing. Different residence.
The Gryphon Diablo 300 or the Simaudio 700iv2? Unfortunately I can not audition either in my area. So I am going at this blind. Pretty much from reviews.

I am downsizing from a beautiful McIntosh system that just sang.....A  C500t tube two piece pre-amp with Mc501 mono blocks, powering my PMC IB2i speakers. Connected to a Torus power RM20, and my digital front end is a
Linn Klimax Ds.

I am keeping the PMC IB2i speakers, the Torus power, and the the Linn Klimax. Although I may consider selling my Klimax Ds to get the Simaudio 780d dac if I go the Simaudio route. I could update the Klimax to the latest spec too, but that's another topic.....

I did audition the Ma9000 integrated amp, and it did not grab me sound wise. So I feel it is out.
I did get to audition some Simaudio separates, that sounded very very good...

So that's where I am at.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

I will soon be auditioning the Diablo 300 as everything I’ve tried seperates-wise at that price point (including the Diablo’s DAC module) seems to be missing one thing or another that I am looking for sonically. Based on at least what other’s have said the Diablo in theory should check all the sonic boxes I need checked, and most importantly, people seem to comment on how musically engaging it is. I’ll be auditioning over the next week, and hopefully my high expectations are met or exceeded.

Havn’t heard the 700i but I did take home a demo 600i the other night. Paired with my B&W 803 D2 I found the level of detail astounding. Even my kids noticed sounds they couldn’t hear with other gear. BUT - the sound was also dry, cold, and uninvolving. Sterile. Well defined but not enough bass drive and presence. The opposite of what everyone says about the Diablo. I suspect the 600i is highly accurate. But I found the sound it produced oddly slightly depressing. It made the music not seem special. Admittedly this could be unfair at it may not have been enough power to drive my speakers. But I was testing at moderate to low volumes. I’ve actually had this response to Simaudio preamps / amps in the past, it is really odd. It’s almost as if the sound is so natural at all costs that it seems unnatural. I will say the build quality is second to none. Taking it home and seeing the Simaudio up close was insane. Everything about it is solid. Ive tested McIntosh too - I found it to have a very pleasing smooth and luxurious fully sound with a fully developed midrange  but it ultimately uninvolving. I tested the C2500/MC452 in my home. Hoping the Diablo will end my journey when I hear it shortly, and I can go back to enjoying music instead of excruciatingly and endlessly analyzing certain passages of test songs, trying to make sense of and draw conclusions on what I think I’ve perceived, fighting with my own results and questioning the very nature of reality, before finally being satisfied with my conclusions drawn from various auditions. Testing gear is difficult, soul-searching work!
I have PMC fact 12 and recently bought Gryphon Diablo 300 for them. I heard Pmc ib2i and mb2se several times so I know the sound is bigger from these speakers than from the fact 12, tonally they are similar.
Before I decided to buy Diablo 300 I audutioned and directly or indirectly (different rooms) compared with it the following amplifiers:
Vitus ri100 
Avid sigsum
T+A pa3100
Luxman l509x 
Luxman m900u plus c700u 
Sugden ia4
Leema Tucana 2 Anniversary 
Bryston pre plus 4b3 and 7bsst2
Musical fidelity nu Vista 800 
Ayre ax5
Mark Levinson 585
McIntosh ma8000

Gryphon made sound twice as big as any other amplifier. It was like live music, bas was fantastic, overall presentation was natural but it was not cold, I would say there is a touch of warmth in diablo. Soundstage was trully 3D. Much better than with any other amplifiers. And the control was as good as it gets.

Gryphon outperformed all other amplifiers by miles except luxman m900u combo. This was a fantastic sound. Much warner, full bodied, but not as "real", big and controlled. Gryphon played all kind of music with ease and at least fantastic if not perfect.

I think a lot depends on personal preferences. 

3rd place for luxman l509x. This is true value for money amplifier. 
I had a Sim 600i v2 prior to my Gryphon Diablo 300.   The Sim is a good integrated but the Diablo just blows it away.   No contest, get the Diablo. 
Huberto wow that is a fascinating non factual statment:

Before I decided to buy Diablo 300 I audutioned and directly or indirectly (different rooms) compared with it the following amplifiers:

You can’t judge indirectly the sound of one amplifier in one room playing one set of speakers vs another completely different set of speakers playing on different gear.

It sounds like you went to a show and heard a bunch of different rooms or went to a dealer with multiple rooms and listened to different systems.

The only way you can judge the quality of the Gryphon vs any other amplifier is by listening to one on the same set of speakers, and then changing the electronics, warming them up and listening to the same tracks.

By the way the Gryphon is an excellent amplifier, we have heard their gear and the Diablo is a great piece, it is not better than any of the other top level amplifiers you mentioned, such as the T+A or Vitus gear,at this level you will have preferences and the products individual voicing, along with your loudspeakers, digital or analog rig and cabling is going to lead you to the sound of one vs another.

We would agree that the Vitus, T+A and Gryphon are going to sound really fantastic and should sound better than some of the lower level gear the Luxmain 509X is a great amplifier but the Luxman separates at 3 times the price is going to be better, the uber intergrateds sound as good as many separates so that is another duel.

As per the others

Sugden ia4
Leema Tucana 2 Anniversary
Bryston pre plus 4b3 and 7bsst2
Musical fidelity nu Vista 800
Ayre ax5
Mark Levinson 585
McIntosh ma8000

all of these are good pieces but not up to that uber level of the Vitus, Gryphon and T+A gears or the Luxman separates, however most of these are $5k or more less expensive so you are not comparing necessarily apples and oranges.

Mikya not doubting it Sim Audio to our ears is a bit on the brighter side the Gryphon warmer and punchier with more layering, however a Vitus or T+A would also have been equally impressive.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ