Comparison of Cardas Clear & Beyond Speaker Cable to Shunyata Sigma or Alpha Cable

  1. Has anyone had the luxury of a comparison of the Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cables to either the Shunyata Sigma or Alpha speaker cable. If so, what difference in sonics was noticed.
All, it strikes me that we are really getting OT.... We should keep this thread on topic to compare Clear Beyond XL PCs with Shunyata Sigma and Alpha PCS.

Like you AStewart and TDimmler am interested in a PC discussion for the Rowland Power Storage Unit (PSU).... TDimmler, how about you start a thread dedicated to the topic?

Saluti, G.

Hello Guido:

The original thread which I set up was  in regard to a comparison of sonic differences between Shunyata Alpha or Sigma speaker cables to Cardas Clear  Beyond speaker cables. Not power cables, however that is of interest as well.

OP--I haven't compared Shunyata Sigma or Alpha speaker cables to Cardas Clear or Clear Beyond speaker cables. Sorry, I'm no help there--

Im going to bump this old thread because im currently trying a full loom of cardas clear reflection and debating on weather to try clear beyond or shunyata delta v2/ alpha v2/ sigma v2 next. I would like a little more openness but overall am enjoying the clear reflection on loan from the cable co.

I own several Shunyata delta v2 NR and I compared against Cardas clear beyond xl. The Cardas was more musical, more pleasant, and had less noise. I heard the differences immediately. Separately I demoed the alpha v2 NR. I had to do multiple A/B comparisons against the delta to even hear a difference. Usually I couldn’t hear a difference but when I did the alpha was ever so slightly better. To me the Cardas was clearly better and I plan to switch.