I've MEASURED my Maggies with a DVM. Not the most accurate, but carefully watching I can catch the PEAK voltage go by. Based on that, I add 20% for meter latency and use 4.5 ohms to compute power. For my 1.6s, at mid-loud / comfortable, I've never seen more than 10vac go by, even with the +20%.
This works out to 2.2amps at 22 watts.
During normal TV watching, I've never seen more than about 6v, with the 20% fudge factor.
I'm guessing that 15 clean watts, with 3db headroom may be on the 'low' side of even minimal. I would DOUBLE my 22 watts, add another 'fudge' and say 50 watts MINIMUM for any meaningful music listening. DOUBLE again and you'd be at minimal SAFE power.
I know, I'm nuts, but my ICE amp puts out 500+ per side into 4ohms, at probably 50 or 60 volts. I'm scared to test it!