Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?
@audiotroy I think you are right. Also if I did it, I would get it completely blacked out. Would look amazing.

Wow thats surprising about the polymer speaker. I wouldn't say the contriva g2 is n ight and day better than the persona 9H but definitely a step up... but even that is a meaningless statement as you said since the contriva g2 was connected to WAYYYY better gear and in a way better room.

Any opinion on YG acoustics newer gear like hailey or sonja 2.2 ?
Get a pair of carbon black 9H, and you will be immensely happy.  Report back if you do.  
While you (AT) are repeating what a great value the 9h is I would like to ask what you would recommend for components to make a complete system and the total cost? Also why no recommendations for the 7f in smaller rooms.? 
I’ve heard them extensively with the following if it helps;

Audio research (not my top recommendation) 
Anthem STR integrated (great)
Anthem STR separates (great)
naim uniti (great)
Micromega (surprisingly great but in  different room)
Primaluna (even Prima Luna preamp with anthem amp) (unreal, maybe best, but almost too laid back for some?)
Luxman (wow)
T+A (wow pt2)
Parasound (painfully good value)
Hegel (great!)

that’s all I can think of now.