Dr. Dre Beats

Ok, so I really don't know where to post this question. PC Audio seemed reasonable but these are essentially speakers so it's going here.

The new Dr. Dre Beats. I had the pleasure of listening to these today at the local big-box store at ultra-high volume because I guess everyone is deaf and there was no way to turn it down. Anywho. I'm referring to the noise-cancelling headphones in particular. The on-ear headphones sounded a little dark. The around-the-ear noise cancelling ones had a bigger mid-range which was quite pleasant.

And then I walked over to the Bose noise cancelling headphones and it was a guy just talking in on the demo and wouldn't shut up so I put those down.

I have no real experience with headphones but am looking to get into them here shortly. And semi-seriously. And by that I mean I'm not spending a grand on headphones. $300-600 is my limit. I'll eventually be running them off a tube amp.

So, any input on the Beats? Are they worth it for $300? They sure sounded good. And quiet. And as comfortable as I would ever need headphones to be. But since I don't know what Ultrasone headphones sound like I'm wondering if I'd be selling myself short.

I know someone will ask what kind of music I listen to so here it is. Everything from Sia and Natalie Walker to Ludovico Einaudi and Erik Mongrain. Remember, I want to eventual pair these with a tube amp so I don't know if that really changes anything.

Thanks for any advice/input.

Be careful of buying these headphones on Craigslist as there are fakes being sold all over the place and it's tough to tell the difference.
i heard 'em at the apple store and was very impressed--very dynamic and loud; much better than the comparably priced bose/b&w cans. i think you're getting good advise about avoiding the cl/ebay route, since counterfeiting is rampant.
There is good websites dedicated to headphones called Head Fi that has a forum section where you can read other peoples thoughts home and portable headphones.


In your price range you might also want to consider customs.
I like AKG 701s which fit your budget and are readily available on Amazon.com and elsewhere brand new, authentic. The latest are the 702s black instead of white, which I am told is the main difference between them. I haven't heard the newer ones so I can't confirm that statement. They are about the same price, so you want to try them too. I drive mine off a couple of different tube amps. They are a benign load of about 50-60 ohms.
There are a LOT of headphones that will be better in the $300 price range. Do yourself a BIG favor and check out head-fi.org, great people with great advice.

Also www.headphone.com is a good place for information. The company is Headroom they sell lots of good brands and give REAL un-sugar coated reviews and measurements. They also make and sell thier own line of amps. For open headphones sennhiezer grado and ultrazone (also closed) all make good stuff.

PS. Sorry for the spelling I typed this on my phone...

For what it is worh I have owned 10 or so pairs of headphone in the $300+ range (including Bose) but most of mine were open backs so I can't really recommend a model. But IEM (in ear monitors) are the way to go for portable... Ultimate Ears and Shure are a good place to start.