There are a LOT of headphones that will be better in the $300 price range. Do yourself a BIG favor and check out, great people with great advice.
Also is a good place for information. The company is Headroom they sell lots of good brands and give REAL un-sugar coated reviews and measurements. They also make and sell thier own line of amps. For open headphones sennhiezer grado and ultrazone (also closed) all make good stuff.
PS. Sorry for the spelling I typed this on my phone...
For what it is worh I have owned 10 or so pairs of headphone in the $300+ range (including Bose) but most of mine were open backs so I can't really recommend a model. But IEM (in ear monitors) are the way to go for portable... Ultimate Ears and Shure are a good place to start.
Also is a good place for information. The company is Headroom they sell lots of good brands and give REAL un-sugar coated reviews and measurements. They also make and sell thier own line of amps. For open headphones sennhiezer grado and ultrazone (also closed) all make good stuff.
PS. Sorry for the spelling I typed this on my phone...
For what it is worh I have owned 10 or so pairs of headphone in the $300+ range (including Bose) but most of mine were open backs so I can't really recommend a model. But IEM (in ear monitors) are the way to go for portable... Ultimate Ears and Shure are a good place to start.