FM Acoustics vs CH Precision

 have you experience about the comparison between CH Precision vs FM Acoustics?  Both pre and amplifiers, tks. 

" CH is better jump on one ASAP!!! "
Think it would be helpful if you would expand upon your comment. What specific CH and FM Acoustic models have you heard? Were they with the same sources and speakers? What were the strengths/weaknesses of the brand/model(s) you listened to?
CH has better depth,better imaging and a deeper sound stage.It also has better bass detail and definition as well.I heard the top units on MAGICO M3s.FM Acustics are very good units however they are not in the same league as CH.Thanks hope this helps.
I think what ebm means is that CH costs more so it must be better. Frankly, both are an extreme waste of money. I have not heard either make and do not care to. There are wonderful electronics for more reasonable money out there. Buying this stuff is purely egocentric. 
Guess since you haven't heard either you can't comment on ebm's take on their sound, nor on the quality of the sound relative to the spend 
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