Thoughts wanted for new speaker design

I am working to introduce a new speaker at Capital Audiofest this year and have a few tentative designs but wanted to do a little market research and see what you guys would find most interesting. Since I don’t have $40K for focus groups, thought I would ask your guys POV.

I currently offer two stand mounts - one which is a fiberglass based composite (Nightshade) and the other is Carbon Fiber bases (Blackthorn).

you can see them here at:

i am currently sold out but will be back in stock in about two weeks.  

i am looking to see what you guys would be most interested in:

1. a higher efficiency standmount - 92dB to 93dB but will be using compression drivers. Material could be MDF or Bamboo but most like Bamboo. Price ~$2500

2. A less expensive standmount made from bamboo or MDF that will be ~$2000. Likely be less than $2000 if it is MDF.

3. A Nightshade (fiberglass) Floorstander that would retail at $8-$10,000.

4. A floorstander that would look like 1 or 2 though I expect the efficiency of 1 will be closer to 100dB. Retail $3500 to $5000.

Unless you guys saw me at AXPONA or know someone who bought my first batch of speakers I know you haven’t heard my current stand-mounts. Just looking for a POV on what will be most interesting to you.

Thanks in advance.

@alexwichai1  I am not 100% sure I could do a high efficiency speaker with Eton drivers.  A “narrow” baffle, high efficiency speaker is a challenge at any price.

How narrow of a baffle are you looking for and what kind of bass response are you looking for?  

To be honest, I am now consider buying Heco, The New Statement, without any audition. The distributor here in my country is not taking any stock on this brand (it is very hard to sell and they have only Direkt range on demo).

Please see the link below.

Narrow baffles for me is something not wider than 30cm and not so slim that my 3 years old kid can easily push it down and damage the cabinet. The kid is my main reason for not buying any stand-mount speakers.

Heco, The New Statement, bass response (according to their website) can go down to 18 Hz with 93db sensitivity. I think it may work well with low power 300B amp.
If you can sell a bookshelf at $4,000 which is a good as Joseph Pulsars,
I would buy a pair. 86db with a 5 1/2 woofer + tweeter. He uses SEAS.
Are they too pricey to meet the $4k price. Only goes to down to 40hz but
somehow it seems much lower.
A little 2 way stand mount speaker using Dayton prefab cabinets could offer a lot of value. 

Give it away and if its a hit it will make your bread and butter speakers easier to sell. 
@Alexwichai2 12cm is very doable.  

Shooting for 93dB, also very doable.  With compression drivers I could go much higher though I am not sure I can give you a low frequency response of 18dB.  With two 10” to 11”  woofers I am certain we can get low though.

With Eton drivers I would have to use 2 tweeters and mid ranges to get the higher SPL.  The Heco’s are 3000 GBP from what I see.  I could do something at that price made of wood and probably paper drivers like Eton’s orchestra line.  Compression drivers would give you a higher SPL but worse bass response.  That is the trade-off

This would take me six months to perfect and you wouldn’t get to hear them in advance.  Far from ideal.