YG Acoustics or Dynaudio

I have been using a pair of PSB M2 monitors since 2004 but have recently upgraded some equipment and am thinking new speakers. Right now my focus is on either YG Acoustics 'Carmels' or Dynaudio 'Confidence' C1s or C2s. One limitation is that my present speakers are close--35 cm-- to the front wall and I'm stuck with that kind of positioning in an L-shaped room. The Carmels are a new model and I can't find a review; but the C1s have been highly praised especially in a smaller room. I would appreciate any relevant advice, particularly about YG Carmels which have some radical features. My system comprises Bryston 4BSST amp, Bryston preamp, EMM Labs XDS1 CD player, Oracle tt, with Kimber Select interconnects and cables.
Thanks for the useful comments so far. The problem of distance from the front wall is my biggest worry as I chose the PSBs because they port at the front and, spiked, deliver a tight and adequate bass. The Dynaudio Confidence C1s port at the back which could be an issue. I don't know about the YGs but have read that they can have difficulty filling a large room with high-level sound, which gives me pause. For that price, I would expect a speaker to be limitless. However, they are supposed to be champs of transparency. My dealer is arranging an audition soon. Of course there is no comparison in price between the Dyns and Carmels as the YGs are over twice the price of the C1s.
there are lots of way less expensive designs that are also champs of transparency. try a pair of OHMs first and see from there.