It is really simple answer, you replace a 25 year old anything.
Even if you get an older piece repaired many times another not related problem occurs, parts age, when a product gets to 20+ years it is a logical assumption to replace.
The othe part of the equation is that newer products generally sound better.
The little Rega Brio is rather amazing sounding for $1100 bucks, great phono stage, dynamic, punchy, great midrange Creek Like but better
The Musical Fidelity stuff is good but less of that midrange warmth that the Rega will bring.
Listen to the Rega, Creek, and Arcam the newer Creek stuff is a bit cleaner and less Creek like of old, the Rega reminds us of Classic Creek very smooth, big presentation, clean midrange, the Rega has a bit more dynamic slam very engaging little amp.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Rega, Musical Fidelity dealers