YG Acoustics or Dynaudio

I have been using a pair of PSB M2 monitors since 2004 but have recently upgraded some equipment and am thinking new speakers. Right now my focus is on either YG Acoustics 'Carmels' or Dynaudio 'Confidence' C1s or C2s. One limitation is that my present speakers are close--35 cm-- to the front wall and I'm stuck with that kind of positioning in an L-shaped room. The Carmels are a new model and I can't find a review; but the C1s have been highly praised especially in a smaller room. I would appreciate any relevant advice, particularly about YG Carmels which have some radical features. My system comprises Bryston 4BSST amp, Bryston preamp, EMM Labs XDS1 CD player, Oracle tt, with Kimber Select interconnects and cables.
Hi Oeiras. I'm also shopping, and while I've not heard the YGs, I auditioned the C1s and also the Dyn Sapphires. You've got a broad (and not small) price range, and, like others, I think it makes sense to widen the search. My guess is the C1 needs a bit of room, but there are a some designs that are targeted for, or function well as, near wall. If you search "near wall" or "North Creek" here, you'll find suggestions. I've puffed about my North Creek Eskas here more than once (sorry!), and they do sound nice (with some compromise) very close to the front wall. In my (humble) opinion, the C1s (which to my ear bear the stamp of efforts to get low end out of a tiny box) do not conspicuously best the Eskas, and I strongly suspect the new North Big Kat (also a near wall design) would be *very* competitive for 4k. Other designs I've listened to that I think could be made to work near wall are Gallo 3.5s, Selahs, and (oddly, given their size) Legacy Whispers. Together with the Norths (which are hard to audition), these all might be on your list. Good luck, John
Living in Europe, as I do, some of these esoteric (to my knowledge) brands are not available. To avoid import duty, I am favoring the Dynaudios, made in Denmark. However, I am now also considering the US-made Thiel 3.7s, for their looks and, according to the manual, ability to play close to the long wall.

At the show I described earlier, the Carmels and V-2 were played in a very large room, I would guess at least 1200 square feet, and ability to play at high volume was not an issue for either. As for the price, I don't know if the Carmels have come down in price, but, I believe they were being represented as selling for a lot less than $18,000 (I am sorry, I can't remember the price quoted).

I have heard a number of other speakers that are specifically designed for near wall or corner placement. The various models from Audionote (uk) come to mind. These speakers vary WIDELY in price, even though they are basically similar speakers, in terms of design. The difference is a matter of refinement of components. These models are the complete opposite of the Carmel and Magico speakers. If one did a kind of check off of basic characteristics, they are NOT impressive. They don't go deep down into the bass (they tend to fake deep bass with a mid bass bump), they don't deliver the last bit of detail, etc. But, when it comes to musical enjoyment, they are terrific (to me). They have the kind of liveliness without being brittle, dry or overly bright, that is hard to find in many speakers. They are also quite easy to drive and thrive with lower powered tube gear. If looks matters, unfortunately, they come in a very plain looking box.

A much prettier looking speaker that I've heard placed very close to a back wall while still sounding very good is the Gradient Revolution. This is a speaker designed to accomodate difficult placement.
Living in Europe, you should consider Naim speakers, some of which are specifically designed for wall placement.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to contribute to this discussion. I received lots to think about before dropping the big bucks, or euros.