Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank

I am in the process of updating my audio equipment and have realized my interconnects are probably not up to snuff; I use the ones provided by the manufacturers.  My current set up includes a Leben cs600 amplifier, California audio lab Icon Mark II CD player, Linn Akurate Streamer, Feikert Volare Table and Spendor SP1 speakers ( in final stages of upgrade to either Audio Note E, Devore O93 or Joseph Profile).  I have been investigating interconnects and have a bit of sticker shock.  So any suggestions on interconnects that won't  bankrupt me?  Is silver truly preferable to copper with respect to resolution and detail?

Excellent bang for the buck and has equaled or bettered many of my interconnects that list for $600-$1800.
I am not associated with the builder of this RCA or Balanced interconnect, just a happy customer.
I’d recommend Zu Audio’s new stuff.. Actually their Event mk2 interconnects.. They sound great to me.. Supports all the detail your system can handle.. Very easy to handle.. They have a no questions ask return policy but I bet you’ll keep them.. Not a fan of silver plated copper wire so no Mission line
Did we ever get a budget?  I like Jena labs copper also,. I used  their least expensive speaker cables with excellent results. The cheapest of all I have liked are Pheonix Gold.
A little surprised to see no Grover Huffman recommendations here.  Reasonably priced.  The IC’s are very low impedance.  I’m using a pair of Empress IC’s for phono to preamp and am very pleased.  (Van den Hul Black Beauty SPX on ET II arm with VPI HW19 MK IV table to an original CAT SL-1 preamp.). Grover takes the risk out by offering a 60 day period to return for any reason.