I'm using a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ as the pre-amp and a vintage Classe Audio DR-9 (400W into 4 Ohms) power amp. I spent a fair amount of time asking for opinions on optimal positioning and I refined those recommendations based on my room. Right now, they're about 4 feet from adjacent walls, 7 feet from my listening position, 4 feet (measured from inner edge of the speaker to inner edge) between them and the feet are deployed (my ears are 33 inches above the floor). They're positioned with tweeters on the inside and angled in 2 inches.
With that arrangement, imaging depth is profound and the lateral sound stage is equally impressive. Sound quality is quite good but I expect that to improve as they're far short of a 100 hour break-in phase, as are my new Kimber cables. So, I'm reserving final judgement on that aspect for the moment. At some point, I may add sub-woofers and there's an unsubstantiated rumor that Magenpan may be developing a dipole sub of its own design to complement these.
Anyway, I think they're very fine speakers and I have no regrets about the purchase.