Speaker Recommendations - from Vandersteen 5As

I have been using Vandersteen Model 5 speakers in my system with excellent results.  I like the open sound, balanced top to bottom sound, sound stage 3D dimension, and having deep bass that is adjustable.  They really have a huge sound that is also very musical.  I used to own Alon V MKII speakers and the Alnico mid-range driver produced a better mid-range sound  compared to the Vandersteens in that one aspect.  That mid-range was just pure magic and the Alons had more impact but were not close to being as balanced of a speaker.  I recently sold my older model 5s because I got a great deal on a much better cosmetic condition Vandersteen model 5As.  To me the 5As just don't sound like my old model 5s.  I have not really had the chance to play around with them that much and my system unfortunately changes in some ways because my Audiomeca CD transport bit the dust.  That was one hell of a great sounding CDT.

I am looking in the $7500 price range and usually purchase used.  I have plenty of dealers in the NYC area that I can visit and people that I know so I will be taking the time to take a look around.  I do like the size of the Vandersteen 5s so that if something I would be considering.  I was thinking of a short list and thought Verity Parsifals, Sonus Faber, Legacy, DeVore, etc.  I tend to focus on piano so I need a speaker that really can produce that sound first before I look elsewhere.  I probably lean towards a musical sound maybe slightly warm, open on top with air.  I can adjust the sound by changing caps and resistors in my components so I guess I just need a balanced sounding speaker with a great mid-range that can also product deep bass.  

Also note that I build my own DAC (separate power supply), preamp (separate power supply) and power amp so I can build anything for any speaker.  Right now my DAC is a DHT design, preamp 6SN7 design and amp is a hybrid 6SN7 design.  My system is dead quiet and the components are reference quality compared to the best that I have compared them to at local dealer showrooms.  I only spin CDs right now through a transport and I am using a Metronome CD1A  transport with a separate power supply.

So knowing that I am in the NYC area, what speakers in the price range should be on my short list to go our and hear?

I probably sound like an A-hole but I would really like some recommendations.  If you are in the local area, I would enjoy the company if you are interested.  I'll buy the pizza and beer!

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I would look for a pair of the salk exotica 3's with the powered woofer section.  There has been a pair of used ones on and off of US audio mart for a while.

Might be exactly what you need.  The seller is asking too much IMO, but might try to reach out.

powered lowers, and those drivers are exactly what you are looking for, down to the magnets.
These Usher Be-10s are a bit over your price range, but they're in NYC so maybe worth an audition.  

Also some nice Acoustic Zen Crescendos

Or maybe a pair of the new Joseph Audio Pulsar Graphene monitors with a couple good subs (SVS, Rhythmic, etc.)

Personally I'd stick a crowbar in my wallet and jump on the Ushers, but best of luck in your search. 
As you are in the NY area, I would contact Audioconnection for a demo of ProAc. Similar to Vandy's but with a British sound that may be closer to what you are looking for.
And, if midrange is your fav, have you thought about electrostatics?
To be fair, what are you using with the 5a's? 
If you are game, I would love to meet up.