Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

In other filter applications you start with coarse and proceed with
finer and finer etc.


Thank you for your post. As you see, my thought process had gone that way after mulling it over. It seems to make more sense.

My Degritter US cleaner makes cleaning records a cinch.
Drop record in, hit button, go do whatever else, and return to US cleaned and dried record.
Perfect for folks like myself who are too lazy for other methods.

I'm glad there's a choice for us all. The main point is you're experiencing the benefits of US cleaning.