Hana SL vs AT Art 9

Has anybody compared these two cartridges on their Turntable 

Agrippa's assessment lines up with my experience. I used the ART9. Heard the Hana several times in other setups.

The 9 is more detailed and dynamic to my ears.

The Hana is a nice cart,  but for a few bucks more the ART9 may be worth the expense for a warmer system?


you have the “ who’s who” of cartridges 
wonderful job

with your horn tannoy, I bet you get “ wow” dynamics

thank you for your response 

i could not tell what Phono amp you were using 


The phono stage is an Allnic H-1202, used in conjunction with an Allnic AUT 2000 step-up. The H-1202 already have very good transformers built in, but the ones in the AUT 2000 are even higher specced and provides an even more holographic soundstage.

Sure, the dynamics are pretty good. :-) Tannoy’s Dual Concentric drivers are particularly good in this regard, as well as excelling when it comes to reproducing the human voice.
Post removed 
I have a very good memory of my ex ART-2000 cartridge, the ART-9 must be even better. At this price point there is nothing good on MC territrory today if you're not considering used market.

AT did an excellent job, the ART series always was in "best buy" category (imo).