To the OP: I deeply sympathize with you, and wish you all possible peace. My own father passed away recently, and I found myself in a very similar situation to yours. I applaud your efforts to honor your father’s legacy. I have attempted to do the same.
To the Agon community: as I approach the onset of my own mortality, I find myself wondering if it would be possible to establish a database of our hi-if (or otherwise) holdings, if for no other reason, to quantify and valuate our personal collections. This may help to ease the burden of our heirs when it comes to the sad reality of liquidating our estates. Is this even a viable notion? I would love to be able to give my son an email or PM address to reach out to when I am gone, to ensure that my carefully curated collection might find a worthy home, without him having to go through an exhaustive education process. I realize that this may sound a bit morbid, but I feel strongly that such a database might very well provide a measure of peace for those charged with the dissolution of a loved one’s possessions. I welcome your thoughts.
To the Agon community: as I approach the onset of my own mortality, I find myself wondering if it would be possible to establish a database of our hi-if (or otherwise) holdings, if for no other reason, to quantify and valuate our personal collections. This may help to ease the burden of our heirs when it comes to the sad reality of liquidating our estates. Is this even a viable notion? I would love to be able to give my son an email or PM address to reach out to when I am gone, to ensure that my carefully curated collection might find a worthy home, without him having to go through an exhaustive education process. I realize that this may sound a bit morbid, but I feel strongly that such a database might very well provide a measure of peace for those charged with the dissolution of a loved one’s possessions. I welcome your thoughts.