Selling my dads top of the line system

My father just passed of a stroke suddenly. He was very big in the audio game. He as Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers, 2 mark levinson model 536 pre apps, Mcintosh C50 pre amp, Cambridge Audio Azur 751BD blue ray player, at least 3 Audio quest water cabels, 2 or more viper power cables. This is what I know of that he currently has hooked up. What is my best option for selling it? Should I bundle it together, or piece it out? He loved his system so I don’t just want to sell it for nothing, but honor his memory and make sure the system finds a good home. If I did not have 3 kids  Home audio stores by me have been no help. Its all in premium shape, with the boxes, manuals, and remotes.
traveldonkey sorry for your loss. I agree with what 8th notes writes.

actaman, your musings on establishing a database of owned gear resonates with me. I often wonder what will happen to my guitar collection after I'm gone. Will anyone know the value of my 50's Telecaster or will it wind up in trash somewhere. Similar for my hi-fi gear. 
I believe the best option may be to catalog things like this in a letter to your heirs, along with how to sell them for best value, and a short note perhaps about why the piece was meaningful to you. Keep the letter in a place it will be found in the event. But your idea is good too.
@Traveldonkey; based on your 7/26 post that you are "keeping some of the other pieces" of your Dad's system, it sounds to me like you've figured out a way to make this a "win - win" situation for you. I was wondering if your Dad had an Audiogon account that you could use to sell the remaining items? 

What no one has mentioned so far is that seller with "low" or "zero" transaction/feedback rating can be a red flag for some potential buyers. Perhaps this is an issue that Tammy @  Audiogon customer support can help you with.
I agreed that Actaman has a very good idea. I hope someone will pursue it and make it a reality.
I'm going to post my initial reaction. Don't sell your dads stereo, if he was a good dad then keep it to remember him by. Set it up in extra room and when you find the time to listen to it and remember the good times. When my father passed away I sold his near mint 1967 Oldsmobile and now I seriously regret it. Just another alternative opinion.
ask the wife if you could keep the Speakers and a couple items   maybe she will say okay Eddie