Music Hall vs. Schiit

I plan to purchase a DAC to pair with a Cambridge Audio CXC transport. Presently I am considering the Schiit Modi 3, Music Hall 15.2 or the Music Hall 25.3 DACs. Since I am looking for a warmer analog sound, I would appreciate your thoughts on these units.
I might add that I currently am running a Audio Research SP16 tube preamp, a Bryston 14B SST power amp & Paradigm Sig 7 speakers.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, jtcf. That confirms my limited understanding of interconnects. I might add that in the past I followed the debate on whether there was a perceptible difference between the lower-shelf $5 cable & the off-the-scale $3,500 item. Without starting a firestorm, cables manufactured from high-quality components from a reputable company will suit my listening preferences just fine. I prefer to spend my discretionary dollars (euros, etc.) elsewhere in my audio system.
I use coaxial cable from player and optical cable from hdtv, and soon a usb cable from my phone to my Schiit Modi3
Interestingly, I ended up ordering the Schiit Modi Multibit DAC & a Blue Jeans coax cable today -- same as that of tomcarr.
My plan is to connect the DAC to my existing Cambridge Audio Azur 840C which decided to commit suicide. If I am lucky & the internal DAC in the 840C is dead, then I can use the unit as a transport. Otherwise, I plan to get a Cambridge Audio CXC transport.