Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
@jserio If I didn't have a pair of 2.7's I'd be all over those!

Cable Update:

Krell TAS --> DH Labs Q10 --> Thiel 3.6

Bryston 7B-ST (Parallel Mode) --> ELF Custom Silver Surfers --> Thiel 2.7

This is the best results that I have gotten so far. 

While messing with some custom cables (Belden 8473 in a Kimber-esqe configuration) that used tinned-copper in another setup I set out looking for other tinned or coated copper cables.  Found the DH Lab and ELF cables for a reasonable price locally.

Looking at making some cables from Dueland wire in the near future.


Nice catch! Hope those 2.7's find a good home. Good to see you here again. Hope you are well and enjoying Summer.

Happy Listening!


Good to see you again. Thank You for the cable update. System matching with cables and power cords is a beautiful Aural reward.

Keep us posted if you decide to build your own cables.

Some audiophiles swear by Dueland Wire.

Happy Listening!

Sad news that Roy Johnson, speaker designer/proprietor of Green Mountain Audio, has passed away.

Aside from the loss to those who knew him, that's one less Time/Phase coherent speaker on the market.  Not many passive T/P speaker brands left (Vandersteen...and?...)

Apparently, like Jim Thiel, he took a fair amount of the knowledge of the designs with him.

It looks like the slack will have to be picked up by active speaker designs, more of which are doing time/phase coherence via incorporating DSP.