Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?

Anyone using Bose 901 speakers in a home theater? I'm considering getting one or two pair of good used 901's in a home theater setup. Anyone using Bose 301 or Bose 501 in a home theater?
Yeah i'm here also using Bose 901 Speaker in Home Theater.I'v use so many speaker before but found the Bose 901 speaker's response is better then other. When my friends seeking advice then always suggest same to them.
Cd Production
Bose 301 iv's is a great way to make a budget HT system. They play loud, are spacios, and even musical IMO. For a bit more, Klipsch can be a killer "budget" HT setup. I would use the Bose 301 IV im medium sized rooms for best results. Can get them used for $150 pr, but sadly the poor quality drivers often need new foam.

Personally I would go Klipsch for budget HT! Long as you don't mind towers.
Mitch--if you're still interested in this issue after 3 months:

I have experience with Bose 901s--I worked at an audio store that sold them along with other state-of-the-art speakers of the time--Ohm, Dahlquist, ESS, Infinity, Advent.

The 901s are probably the most discreet speaker for filling a very large area, and I think they're particularly well-suited for the surrounds and rear surrounds of a multi-channel HT setup. I think they'd do fine with the High channel as well. I'm less sure about having them for front left and right speakers. You're better off getting a triad of same manufacture L-C-Rs to get timbre matching for voices, 1st-level effects, and music. Unlike speaker placement in Tone Audio's review, you're better off placing the speakers about 1 foot from the wall behind. This will give you a more seamless enveloping sound and give better bass response with less effort. I'd go with more rigid speaker stands that also make the speaker terminals easily accessible for cleaner sound and so you can use whatever cable gauge you want.

Although I don't use Bose 901s in my home theater, I *do* use omnidirectional Mirage speakers all around and they make for a very natural, seamless soundfield. Dispersion is so wide you don't hear one speaker "handing off" to the next. Bose 901s should give you this as well.

Used Series VI 901s w/equalizer run about $300-500/pair on eBay. You could put in some real room-filling sound for not much money, and if you need more room-filling sound, doubling up the speakers per channel won't be that expensive. For your room size, I'd probably go with two 901s per speaker location. This should create an effortless sound, what with 18 drivers per channel.

If you have the room, one of the best deals out there is Klipsch KLF speakers. The 20's &30's are insane for under $700-800 IMO. You should buy Crites titanium tweeter diaphrams for $58 shipped per pair with them, as stock used a terrible diaphram that rolled off to quickly.

I have owned so many high end speakers, and the KLS 30's are the best deal I have seen IMO. I feel they compare to some 3k-5k speakers I owned. Better in some ways, bit worse in others. I did replace the tweeter diaphrams, added a layer of pl premium to all inside corners(read glue issue on klipsch forum), and I would add 2-4 braces on earlier pre 2000 models

This is all extremely simple for anyone to do. There are many klf 30 or 20's that already have the crites titaniums & glue fix done for you.

If you want ultimate HT at a steal, grab 3 pair KLF 20's and convert 1 speaker baffle sideways and use as a center. A 5 channel all matching KLF 20 HT! Check out the Klipsch forum!