Anyone else attend the California Audio Show in Oakland?

I went yesterday 7/28, heard some really good stuff, including:

Old Forge Studios room. The Soundkaos Vox 3F standmounted 3 ways were incredible! My favorites of the show. Tiny boxes and 35Hz on the low end had many of us looking for a subwoofer. The Wand tt and PureAudio electronics were excellent.

Tidal Contriva speakers speakers were my 2nd choice as favorites. Just a bit more expensive than the Soundkaos at $65,000, they were beautiful to look at and gorgeous to listen to, or vice versa. Open and airy, great bass extension, with the equally fine Bricasti amps and preamp, they would surely be even better in a larger room.

Aurender streamers and dacs also pulled me in. I’m looking for new gear, and they have a great selection. The combo dacs and streamers start at around $3500 and run to $22,000 for the W22SE, which was playing in their room. 

On on the down side:

Audio Vision SF Room
I didn’t care for the Naim/Rega/Focal gear. It sounded very shut in, muffled to me. Sibilance was not pronounced, and the Focal speakers sounded blurred. 


I've never been a fan, so maybe I’m biased, but the new gear just didn’t add up to me. Disjointed is the word I come up with. The new W4S speakers were these hulking boxes, with drivers arranged in MTM configuration. The tweeters are ribbons, which I usually enjoy, but these sounded too laid back to me. 

Any other attendee thoughts?

Apologies for my disappointment, but that was my first audio show and it was a bit of a let down for me. I was only there for an hour and I did not see/hear everything. I think I missed Old Forge.

Honestly the only thing I liked was the Bernhagen Porter, and for $50K it was not so impressive. Boom-y, not clear from the demo that it had a lot of sound stage and ability to handle a lot of detail. Pretty crisp and satisfying for electric guitar though. Rough-looking, which was kinda cool under the circumstances.

I came to hear the Audio Note UK speakers. They sounded surprisingly dull and pedestrian. I've been told it was a bad setup, but gee.... Maybe they made some poor source selections, but they just did not sound good in any way.

Had high hopes for the Sound Lab electrostatics. Ho hum. Al Green sounded thin and rough and while one could argue they had more bass than many electrostatics, it was boom-y, thin, and uncontrolled. Much prefer my pair of Acoustat Spectra 11s.

I heard a lot of thin-sounding, often distant or veiled-sounding gear that were fancy-looking and carried stupid price tags. All in a tawdry hotel. Glad I walked in when the front booth was unattended. No one questioned another fat, middle-aged white guy in a t-shirt entering the rooms. I am nostalgic for the days when we could listen to audio gear in stores. And let's not even get into the choice of music.
I was int he Fritz/Wyred4Sound room at Newport. Fritz and I talked shop, indirectly about W4S and their thoughts about building new speakers with their own brand.

They are brand new to the scene. It will take them a while to catch up unless they hire an outside designer.
I re-learned one thing I already knew - Nordost cables are in your face, bright and lack depth! 
I was surprised at how few good sounding rooms there were. The venerable Joseph Audio speakers were in one of the best. The only new to me speakers that sounded fairly good were the Salk. The Berkeley Reference DAC was really good, but I knew that.
The free Reference recordings cd, some great deals from the Audio Nerd, and the benefitted charity made the ticket price worthwhile.
I think I must have missed the Old Forge room. I thought the best sound was in the Bicasti room on the Tidal speakers. I also liked the open baffle PureAudioProject speakers.

I was in the Martin Logan room for a bit. They had the biggest room, the biggest speakers, really serious electronics and Honest-to-God Master Tapes playing on a 1/2" professional tape deck, but the sound was decidedly ho-hum and I left.
While I agree that the show was not the best location and rather small, it was nice to have a show in the Bay-Area.  I hope they keep having it.