The new Totaldac amps would be a nice A/B with the 118s. They are about the same price ($40K per pair for balanced inputs only, single stereo amp is $20K and rca input only). Zero feedback tube/solid state versus zero feedback fast GAN. I would bet the Totaldac pair would be more musical.....but as dynamic, clear and fast? Never know till you try. So far, everyone who has heard the Totaldac amp is raving.
What is for sure is that class D has finally arrived. The Merrill may not be perfect but it is really good. There will be cheaper class d amps in the future that will be better.....that, I have no doubt. There is really very little inside a Class D amp that would warrant such money. You are paying for being the first and the sexy box and packaging. I am not saying that what is on the inside is junk.....just saying you could put the same insides in less sexy boxes and sell them direct for about one quarter the price......or way less. Can someone please open the Merrill amps and take a pic so we can see all the stuff in there? You notice, there are no pics anywhere, at this point. I predict that within a few years (or sooner) you will see class D amps sounding as good or better for $5K or less......maybe highly modded Purifi modules....or whatever. Class D should not be expensive. Once you get rid of monster heatsinks, banks of output transistors and super large linear transformers (none of these things inside a Merrill), then the amps are way smaller, lighter and less expensive. GAN transistors are not expensive and because they are so efficient you only need very few of them and even less heatsinking than mosfets. The revolution has begun. Remember, the first calculator was hundreds of they give them away. Here is a link to mono GAN amps that will be available for $1K the pair....I am sure they are not in the league of the Merrill amps...but this is just the beginning.