Hifi or no Hifi that is the question

Just added a new piece to my audio system and while listening to the music in a musical trance by both music itself and the incredible reproduction of the products I have purchased through the years it occurred to me why do I get so much out of this hobby and yet most people I meet couldn’t care less. The audiophiles that I have met have quite a diverse background. Some are white collar and some are regular guys of the blue collar types. My question it what makes us love the accurate reproduction of the music so much more than others. I look forward to the responses. 

Happy listening 
We all start somewhere and for me, it's always been the precision of something made, be it a camera, a car, a watch, or a stereo. That led to the music itself, and whether it came across realistically. 

That precision also guides me in art, furniture, knives, firearms, motorcycles and anything well made, including movies.

So it is with the final product of something well made in audio: the sound.

All the best,
No idea. Just always have. Since like grade school, before ever even hearing a stereo, which my parents never had, at least not until we grew up enough to go out and buy one for them. In 3rd grade a symphony violinist came in and played for us right there in the class room. Closed my eyes and was entranced. Been that way ever since. Don't even really need that great a stereo long as the music is there. Mine of course just keeps getting better and better. 

So after a good 50 years of this if forced to guess I would say its the music. At least that is the one thing that stands out. A lot of people who don't get it at all suddenly totally get it the minute you play their favorite music. People who swear they could never hear good enough to care always- ALWAYS!- do hear and care when you play whatever music it is that they love. 

What this tells me is for sure there are people like me who are just gonna be audiophiles come hell or high water. For sure there must be others who are not gonna care no matter what. In between though are probably a lot who would care, only they just haven't had the right experience.

Those would be the music lover audiophiles. There are of course also the gear head audiophiles. Guess we need them too if only to keep life interesting. 
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@elizabeth ,
Well said. The end result is a drug in the very best sense of the word.

I've always wanted to try TM or some other art that can allow me to transcend the vagaries of this life that can intrude in negative ways and more often than not, I get lost in the music and enjoy that "high" that alleviates me of those intrusions.

All the best,