Isoacoustics Gaia ll footers plus carpet spikes

Where is the terminus for this perverse hobby?  I invested heavily in ATC 40 active floor standers only to be enticed with possible improvements using Gaia ll footers and carpet spikes.  I bit and voila, more discretionary income succumbed to the insanity.  

The footers performed the usual audiophile magic of cleaning up upper bass, providing a better foundation for low bass, stabilized the vocals.  Then the carpet spikes did more of the same and improved imaging.  Reminded me of the old days when we would place machined aluminum cones under floor standers and improve everything.

I wish all of this were psychoacoustic and I could return everything, but it seems all too tangible so it stays.
Emcdade, how have the footers worked out for you. I have the Sopra 2 speakers also. Results as expected, installation easy?

I bought the Gaia ll for my towers and the hype is real! The imaging appeared - I have not heard the Doors LA woman like this before.
I am working on a subwoofer and machining feet was going to cost as much or more than just buying the Gaia IIIs and including them.  I have tried no feet and feet, not an alternative but they make a huge difference.  

As a result, I ship Orea pucks standard with my stands to place under my speakers.

When i introduce floor-standing speakers the Gaia feet will be standard.  Too good of a product to try and create a workaround.  
So if you had large speakers that nevertheless were still standmounts, where do the Gaias go?  Between the speaker and the stand, or stand and floor.  If the latter, how do you couple/decouple the speaker/stand interface?
Same experience with the Gaias, improved resolution esp mid bass, I have wood over cement slab floor in the listening room, so no need for spikes and imagine others with less solid floors will have even better results.