Luxman L-509x for B&W 803 D3

I recently acquired a pair of Bowers & Wilkins 803 D3 speakers. My integrated Amp is currently Luxman L-509x rated 120 WPC at 8 Ohms and 220 WPC at 4 Ohms. Class A/B, but Class A biased for the first few Watts.

Is my integrated amp good enough for my 803 D3, or do they need more power? I have read / heard the 800 series B&W need gobbles of power to shine.


Oh...that's right. I forgot that you are currently using an integrated amp. 

How's your MSB Discrete DAC? I'm also an owner of MSB DAC. I'm currently using an MSB Select ll DAC with its flagship Femto 33 clock and two separate mono powerbases (two mono separate power supply units, one feeds power to its digital side of thing and the other feeds power to its analog audio stages). 
I also have the MSB Select transport with its external power supply unit.

To put this another way, I don't know of a better integrated than the one you already have, but if you were able to audition side by side, I'd consider the Ayre integrated as a potential option.
Hi @caphill  I like my MSB Discrete very much. Obviously it's their entry level DAC, but that's all I could afford. I have the dual Discrete power supplies (not the powerbases).
I have owned alot of gear over the years and something has always remained the same.  Whether you use 1 or 100 watts, a more powerful amp has always sounded more natural and effortless to me.

I have owned the 509 and I prefer my e480 to it.  It will do just fine for now... once you hook up something like the m900 you'll immediately hear what you are missing.  At that point you will decide if what you are hearing is worth the $$$ .
Just a quick courtesy update (OP here): I ended with a T+A PA 3000 HV Integrated amp. I am very happy with the outcome. Thanks!