Hifi or no Hifi that is the question

Just added a new piece to my audio system and while listening to the music in a musical trance by both music itself and the incredible reproduction of the products I have purchased through the years it occurred to me why do I get so much out of this hobby and yet most people I meet couldn’t care less. The audiophiles that I have met have quite a diverse background. Some are white collar and some are regular guys of the blue collar types. My question it what makes us love the accurate reproduction of the music so much more than others. I look forward to the responses. 

Happy listening 
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I was raised in a musical household, parents always playing records and going to live shows even as a child....it just grew from there.
For an answer to your question I think that it’s best to abandon the notion that those who care about “accurate reproduction” are necessarily better listeners and more connected with the music. It may or may not be true. Some who don’t care as much are much better and more astute listeners than some who do.

I think that in many cases it is a particular personality type that is drawn to the HOBBY aspect of it all. Some of us seek order or even perfection in many aspects of life including the act of listening to music; not everyone does. Hi fi is a hobby and I would say that to most music lovers listening to music falls into a different category; certainly not that of “hobby”. The two endeavors can coincide and live side by side as they do for many of us. However, I try to not make a necessary connection between interest in “accuracy of reproduction” and interest in music. There have been too many times over the years that I have been amazed at the level of knowledge and insight into music on the part of some who couldn’t care less about the trappings of audiophilia.
Like poetry, music is « a felt change in consciousness», then it is way more than just dopamine or pleasure, music modify consciousness for the better...Good audio reproduction is only a means to this enlightenment...

Music is the heart of silence.
Going back to the late 70s  with friends having  a few beers and smoking 
a bowl,or two - But not inhaling 😎 , listening to Dark side of the moon or
a bit of  Led  Zep, King Crimson, Hendrix ,or the Doors  was part of my musical 
growth I don’t regret one bit.  I maybe older  now a bit more mellower
and more critical  of quality sound  but still love having friends over to 
watch a good concert , or taking requests of the classics.