A little History lesson on, "High- End" cables:

Inquiring minds might want to know, how the High-End cable market all got started.  Expiring minds?   Well......   (http://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/a-short-history-of-high-end-cables/)
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Well I think Platinum speaker wires are the best. The interstices between the atoms are very small due to the density. Unlike copper which can act like a sponge accumulating electrons Platinum allows far less accumulation. Have you ever turned on your system and heard a pop? This happens when the accumulated puddled electrons combine with the new in-rushing electrons and yields a wattage spike caused by the momentary surge of combined puddled and flowing electrons.
  Besides reducing the electron storage capacity of your speaker wire through proper metal choice pay careful attention to how you run it from amp to speaker. It is best to make the run slope, even a slight slope is fine, from the amp DOWN to the speaker. This prevents electron puddling and assures the electrons left over in the wire when you shut things off drain properly into the speaker where they will quietly bleed off.
  This is also important if you play at high volumes because if the electron drainage is not optimal you can get various degrees of back pressure and this can cause some degradation of your audiophile experience creating that subtle gritty and grainy noise in the background you sometimes hear.
Guess I'm antediluvian. I wired everything (interconnects and speakers) with Belden cables put together by Blue Jeans. My Bryston electronics and Thiel speakers refused to complain.

Horrors! I no longer can claim to be a true-blue audio compadre, as I refuse to  depart with megabucks for exotic wire covered with the entrails of Beluga whales. 
