I'm 14 in a detached garage converted into a teenage playground with a waterbed, blacklights, SS Japanese silver behemoths,  and speakers hanging inside nets. Admit it you were there once. Anyone have thoughts on the nets as a viable option for speakers? (Can't believe I remember this....pretty hazy in that garage.) Joe
Speaking of Joe’s Garage; the first time I heard that album was a guy down the hall from me in the college dorm I was living in. Can’t remember the guys name but he had a pair of the original Magnepan SMG’s floating off the ceiling firing directly down to the floor using a net. He obviously knew to keep them a foot or so off the ceiling. Had a couple bing bag chairs for serious listening. I think it was just a simple cotton fishing net that complimented well with the old natural Maggie socks. Hope this helps.
In the Pentagon, 50 years old.  AR3a speakers, Boulder amp.  HP Financial calculator with RPN entry. IBM mainframe.  IBM punch cards, wire the printout control boards. Frustration. 
Dynaco A 25's (finally tossed them last week), Kenwood receiver, BSR MacDonald TT w/ Shure cart. Great system, naw - but I never enjoyed music more!