speaker/stand, couple or isolate?

I've read a lot about floor standing speaker interaction with the floor and whether or not isolation or coupling might be the right approach depending on the type of floor, e.g., concrete, suspending wood floor, etc. I suspect the same rules apply to the speaker and the stand as a unit but what is the common wisdom about how should standmount speakers be placed on the stand, especially the larger/heavier speakers on 4 leg sand/rice filled heavy stands where tip over is not much of a concern. Thanks.
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My old stand mount speakers sounded excellent with high mass (filled) stands spiked through carpet to concrete floor. speaker resting on small high density, low profile clear rubber pads.
Floorstanders also sound excellent spiked through to the concrete.

For my next brit mon speakers I am going to try a rigid open frame wood stand spiked to the floor but use higher profile high density clear rubber pads to rest the speakers on.

You have to isolate the speaker's energy from the stand if it can resonate.  

verdantaudio, I’ve also had great results using isoacoustics (pucks) between the speaker and the stand. I have the Golden Sound ceramic cones going from the stand to the slate floor. I’m tempted to use the isoacoustic 1’s there but the cost of those is pretty steep ($1,200 for both speakers)... Not sure the improvement would be worth that. If I only knew of someone who sold cryo springs for 150 pound speakers
@boxer12. I had a pretty extensive conversation with distributor on this and I have a spare set of Gaia III feet lying around and just tested it. Distributor advice was to
use the pucks.

Isolating the speaker from the stand makes an obvious difference with the Oreas as I said. Swapping Gaia Feet for spikes had no impact that I could discern. I use “these are days” from 10,000 maniacs as my test song and have listened to it 100s of times. On a side note, my wife really hates that song now

I can’t hear a difference and swapped spikes for gaia’s three times. Maybe with other songs the Gaia’s might have a small impact but I use that song because there is lots of layered detail that stray vibrations really screw up. It also could be that my speakers and stands aren’t heavy enough for the Gaia IIIs. Mine are quite the opposite of yours and are 12lbs and the stands aren’t much heavier.

If the stand is isolated from the speaker, further isolating the stand from the floor shouldn’t have a huge impact though.
Good day. I removed the spikes from my 90lb. towers and installed the Gaia ll. I was very pleased with the results.

The particular song that struck me first was the "Doors LA Woman". There was a spacial quality that had not been there before.  Cheers.