Reference 3a Grand veena or Duntech Sovereign

I have a pair of Grand veena now and have been offered a used pair of Duntech Sovereign at very reasonable price. I read many other reviews and found that its soundstage is superb and I also listen to them once at my friend's home who use its as main speaker for home theater system and it is amazing!) My room is very large about 20x40x8.5 ft and used for both HT and 2 channel listening because I do not have another room for seperate system. I'm impress with the sound of grand veena as well but due to space I cannot keep them both if I decide to replace the Sovereign in my room. One more thing I use ASR Emitter II exclusive integrated amplifier in my system. So I want your opinions and suggestions about how these two compared to each other and whether I should keep Grand veena or get legendary Duntech.
Please recommend me to support the decision.
In 2 week,I will get Duntech serie Sovereign 2001.Please sugguest my system.
Pre-Audio Research Reference 3
Power Amp-MC 1201
CD Player CEC 51XR
Speaker-Duntech serie Sovereign 2001
Power Cord -WW Gold Electra 4 cords.
Interconnect - WW Platimun XLR 2 Pairs.
Speaker Cable - Fim Gold

Do you think about them.Please suggest me for nuetaul sound,Sound Stage.
Wasitpon, what is the MC 1201 amp? I don't know much of your equipment but do know that the Sovereigns take power.
Are the Grand Veenas natural on vocals, not buzzy or mechanical or (please I hope nobody is offended by this) Wilson-like? Thank you.
For Wasitpon, since you have the amp and will be getting the Sovereigns, might as well try the combination before making any decisions. They do like a lot of power; my dealer sold a lot of them with Rowland 7 monoblocks, ARC M300s and Krell KMA 200s and KRS, back in the day. The key is having enough control in the bass to handle the woofers, otherwise the sound can get a little muddy and slow.
Rgs92, thankfully the Grand Veenas sound nothing like Wilsons. They have a very real soundstage and very real on vocals. I have no idea why you would ask about buzzing.