Any cable delivers more bass than Cardas Golden Reference?


Im using Golden Reference in my System(Merlin VSM Speakers), and the bass is natively stronger with the Gold Ref than any other cable i had the chance of using.

This is a good thing in the case of my system as the speakers are a little lean for my taste, so the cable, whether it adds unnatural bass or being very natural, is very good or me.

I want to go deeper since i have to buy a longer pair(from 1m now to 2m), because distances between amp and speakers recently changed here.

So before i buy id like to know if there is even more "bassey" cable out there.

Another recommendation for Purist Audio Design Dominus.Over the years I've tried many cables, several in the Purist line and of those I've tried, Dominus Luminist is my top pick for very natural, lightning fast, full bodied bass.  It was so striking to my ear (and emotional impact to my body) that it seemed like I'd gotten my electronics to reach deeper and more natural.  I fact, so much so, my whole loom is now Dominus Luminist.  Taken some time and $, but I am a happy camper and still discovering things in the mid and deep bass I'd never heard before.  (Oh, and the clear attack, schimmer and decay on jazz cymbals . . .)  My ears and the way my brain decodes audio waves have experienced nothing better.
Footnote: Since every set of ears and sound wave decoding brain, set of components, room and personal preference is different, results and opoinions will vary from person to person.  Your experience is foremost.  Unless you are very familiar with the sound prodced by a lot of component and room configurations, new anything has to be tried in your system in your room.  There is no best!  Only preferences and opions, mine based on my experience and still only based on my preferences.  Only yours really counts.  Good luck.
thats a fine wire.  Don't play around  sub is the answer . 2 is the way to go .  i own black magic 
but w/out subs  
I am a long-time Cardas user and have used Golden Reference Speaker as my home reference for 2-3 years, so I well appreciate the weight that cable brings.  I bought a Clear Reflection Speaker to replace it.  It has very similar voicing, but it a little more open and clear, and I think, more dynamic.  I also think it's more linear into the low bass, whereas Golden Reference has a bit of a bass bump. 

The problem when you start switching things around - if you're happy with the sound of the system - is that small changes can sometimes lead to many hours and dollars re-tweaking and fine-tuning to get back to where you started, only better.  So even Clear Reflection, which is supposedly just a "Cleared-out" version of Gold Ref, is not exactly a drop-in replacement.

Other cables that appeal to Cardas users are already mentioned by other users in this thread, including Audience and Purist Audio.  I don't have any experience with those lines in my system, however, so cannot offer a direct comparison.  
I am also a long time Cardas user. I never really cottoned on to the Golden Reference interconnects or speaker cables, preferring the Golden Cross instead. I always though the highs of the Golden Reference were bit hard on brass instruments. I did use a Golden Reference power cord though.

I have switched to a mix of Clear Reflection and Clear Beyond and @readargos was right - I still miss the midrange bump of the Golden series.
If there are any tweaks or any cables that have the openness, separation and natural highs of the current series with the midrange bump of the previous Golden series, count me in. Clear Reflection goes some way there but still isn’t a drop in replacement as @readargos noted.