I am a long-time Cardas user and have used Golden Reference Speaker as my home reference for 2-3 years, so I well appreciate the weight that cable brings. I bought a Clear Reflection Speaker to replace it. It has very similar voicing, but it a little more open and clear, and I think, more dynamic. I also think it's more linear into the low bass, whereas Golden Reference has a bit of a bass bump.
The problem when you start switching things around - if you're happy with the sound of the system - is that small changes can sometimes lead to many hours and dollars re-tweaking and fine-tuning to get back to where you started, only better. So even Clear Reflection, which is supposedly just a "Cleared-out" version of Gold Ref, is not exactly a drop-in replacement.
Other cables that appeal to Cardas users are already mentioned by other users in this thread, including Audience and Purist Audio. I don't have any experience with those lines in my system, however, so cannot offer a direct comparison.