Replacement for Vandersteen 2ce

Hi everyone,
i have found this forum extremely helpful so I’m looking for some opinions on replacement speakers for my Older Vandersteen 2ce speakers. Been trying to do tweaks but wondering if I can improve the imaging and soundstage with something else maybe in the 2-4K region. 
Components are as listed:
Krell Digital Vanguard w/ Shunyata Delta NR PC
Acoustic Signature Triple X
SPL Phonos 
Marantz CD6006 w/ 
Digital from ITunes through RME DAC
Vandys have 15ft Taralabs RSC Primes which I was going to cut in half or replace but if I’m going to buy new speakers I’ll hold off.
I appreciate any help!
You can pick up the Vandersteen 3A used for very little money and it would be a big step up. 
(((((replacement speakers for my Older Vandersteen 2ce speakers. )))Before you jump ship.
It sounds like you could have an improper tilt back
in your set up to be complaining of that area amongst other things. Glad to see you are enjoying your new table
 Shoot me a call at Audio Connection NJ 973*239*1799 and Ill dial you in. Best, JohnnyR
Though I know it may not be something you want to hear...
My thoughts would go to changing first the speaker cable to AQ. A set of GO-4 isn't too expensive. I use them for my Treo's and find them a good match. Johnny probably knows your current cables and can give you good advice.
Second, I would change the Krell to an Ayre or Belles. They just seem to work better with Vandy's.
You have a nice system, but sometimes it takes a bit of tinkering to get 'synergy'. I think you chose a very good speaker, too.
Get Johnny's take on this. He is one of the best out there and won't try to sell you anything. Trust me.

@gdnrbobThanks Bob
I was thinking that initially and even demoed Shunyata Deltas but yes I will reach out to Johnny
thanks so much!!
Love my Tekton double impact monitors, solid, detailed and lots of bottom end thump