Wojo the Triads are okay, we have taken over Home Theaters using Triads the original Triad Golds were way better then the current Triad line unless they are the Platinums.
Personally we would take ATC way over the Triads.
Also no Denon receiver, you really need separates.
For roughly $6k you can get a fantastic Anthen AVM 60 which has Anthem's ARC room correction and an Audio Control either 5 or 7 channel power amplifier.
The Audio Control power amplifier is a marvel, it uses Class H amplification which genarates low heat, with high output and emmulates the smoothness of a Class A power amplifer.
The only time we use a receiver is when there is no budget for seperates.
The electronics are extmely important as the dynamics and clarity are the speakers being pushed by the electronics.
We are known for our Home Theaters, we were chosen to appear on Rev Runs Rennovation where we built a complete Home Theater from scratch.
You can see our work on the You tube section.
Rev Runs Renovation Season 2 Episode Secret Cinema.
This is why we try to guide people way too many mediocre theater guys, we never, never, never, use a Receiver unless the budget doesn't allow.
In the case of Rev Run's Theater we had to use a receiver as they were not paying anything near the retail price of the theater, we gave them a $50k theater for way, way, less to get the TV exposure, we got edited out we had shot a lot of footage with their crew. Live and learn.
Please feel free to reach out to us for consulting we have many clients all over the country.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Personally we would take ATC way over the Triads.
Also no Denon receiver, you really need separates.
For roughly $6k you can get a fantastic Anthen AVM 60 which has Anthem's ARC room correction and an Audio Control either 5 or 7 channel power amplifier.
The Audio Control power amplifier is a marvel, it uses Class H amplification which genarates low heat, with high output and emmulates the smoothness of a Class A power amplifer.
The only time we use a receiver is when there is no budget for seperates.
The electronics are extmely important as the dynamics and clarity are the speakers being pushed by the electronics.
We are known for our Home Theaters, we were chosen to appear on Rev Runs Rennovation where we built a complete Home Theater from scratch.
You can see our work on the You tube section.
Rev Runs Renovation Season 2 Episode Secret Cinema.
This is why we try to guide people way too many mediocre theater guys, we never, never, never, use a Receiver unless the budget doesn't allow.
In the case of Rev Run's Theater we had to use a receiver as they were not paying anything near the retail price of the theater, we gave them a $50k theater for way, way, less to get the TV exposure, we got edited out we had shot a lot of footage with their crew. Live and learn.
Please feel free to reach out to us for consulting we have many clients all over the country.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ