My Thoughts re: Dealers Posting on Audiogon

I originally posted this in a thread in the Speakers forum.  It's more appropriate here:

As a former audio dealer and long time Audiogon member who has walked the tightrope I will say that, while I do not have a problem with dealers posting on Audiogon, I do feel that there are some basic rules that should be observed, both by the dealer and by everyone else:

For dealers:
1- Clearly announce that you are a dealer
2- Try to be helpful, objective and educational
3- Understand that an Audiogon forum IS NOT a sales venue
4- If you mention or recommend on of your products, mention again that you are a dealer for this product so that it's clearly understood that you have a finalcial interest in your recommendation
5- Don't trash the competition or other brands

For Audiogon members:
6- Don't complain about dealers posting in Audiogon forums. They are A'gon members like anyone else. If you don't want to read dealer posts them just don't read them
7- Just because a dealer makes a recommendation in which he/she has a financial interest does not automatically make it a bad recommendation. If the dealer comment is in the spirit of the discussion and or answers a question then it's probably appropriate, IMO
8- Dealers, well *many* dealers, have a lot of experience that most just audiophiles do not have. If a dealer is posting to be helpful to the group and not just trying to sell stuff then take advantage of that experience. Their answers to your questions will guide you as to whether they are interested in being helpful members of the Audiogon community or just pushing gear.

I hope that this is helpful guidance. Just my opinions...
Anything is possible, it was a little later in the evening after all.

Still my view has not changed regarding dealers or manufacturer posts here on the forums.

When you look at it there really are not many you would place under the offending label after all.
I think dealers/manufacturers should post here. They can give a lot of insight. Ralph Karsten is a good example. As are Tim and Krissy.

And, I also believe that users of their products should be able to heap accolades on those products if warranted.

Man, over the years on this site, I have touted Ralph’s 60-watt mono amps plenty of times. I had them in the system for a few years and loved them. I’d like to try them again today ... after a good liberal treatment with TC and Omega E Mats. *lol*

Doesn't Audio Circle avoid all of this by denoting a member as a dealer when they participate in their forums? It's never quelled, muzzled, censored or silenced anyone. They also have sections dedicated to specific dealers and their wares. Seems like a no biggie to me. Everyone has a voice and everyone knows who everyone is.

All the best,

Yes audiocircle does have manufacturer forums, but mostly they are for true fans of the products THAT manufacturer makes. If one posts any negative experiences they can/are banned from the forum by the moderator who is the rep or owner of said manufacturer. How do I know? Because I was one owner who was banned for being truthful about my experiences with three products. Therefore they are not really forums, in the sense of shared opinions, both negative and positive in nature. They stand as more advertising than forums...
Sorry to hear that. When you think about it, it's funny that dealers/manufacturers would do that on the one hand, and yet still want the freedom to post even if it crosses the line.

If one can't separate their job from their hobby, then all bets are off. 

Now that I know that, don't they still have dealers identify themselves on the regular forums? If not, then this is all moot and won't likely be settled any time soon.

All the best,