Here is an interesting artist that's new to me, and I wanted to share his music.

Jon Batiste is a musician Rok just introduced me to. From the first notes he played, I knew he was from Louisiana, with out knowing anything else about him.

Here's his bio

This is the tune Rok submitted;

It was one I will eagerly add to my collection. I thought I would share this with other music lovers seeking new artists.
You are a lot more adventurous than I am. I never think to buy foreign artists. All that Malian stuff is readily recognizable. Nice tune and production. I am so disgusted with Africa, I take it out on their music.

One of my last purchases was:
Six albums on four CDs.   Very nice packaging with booklet.
I especially wanted this tune, that you posted some while ago:


BTW, there is nothing in the subject of this thread that says New Orleans, Nawlins or even New Or Leans.   Anyway, there are probably more great musicians FROM New Orleans than there are currently IN New Orleans.

Since you are an aficionado at heart, all good Jazz, and anything on Jazz' family tree, should be welcomed

A few years back I went to the Louisiana Hot Sauce festival and one of the non-hot sauce vendors was selling a Louisiana Music Map poster.  The map shows 1600 Louisiana musicians with their name located on their birthplace. It's very cool. I picked a couple (one as gift).

It's all genres, not just jazz, but quite complete and well researched. There is also a Facebook page that has little nuggets about each of the musicians. Just search for "Louisiana Music Map" in the Facebook app, or if you must use a browser, here is the browser version.

I bought that album in 1960 and never quit playing it; it's even on my play-list right now.

When I was about 4 or 5, pre-school, there was an alley behind the house where we lived, and a man came down that alley pulling a cart on big wagon wheels that creaked along as he went. I can picture that man pulling his cart every time I hear that song; plus the love of my life had just gotten married to someone else, that also caused me to play it a lot.

Flo me la is another one I like;