Magnepans or...Martin Logan

Dear All, ....sorry very interested but only newby.

Could I have insights on which to choose - up to USD 2.500 - and the reasons. Used or new. Brand and models.

Live in Santiago, Chile so very high addtional shipping and insurance costs - at least double.  Furthermore no possibility of local testing - no models available I must get it right blindly first time. 

Type of music I listen to: Folk, Jazz, Movies, New Age.

Much appreciate your help.

Thanks and regards !
Have to agree, and with two people I seldom agree with at that, but given where you are and all its just not wise to even be considering either of these speakers.

In addition to everything cleeds and elizabeth said above you have the additional problems or should I say limitations these speakers create with your choice of amplifier. You already live where its hard to get good gear to audition. Now you want to make it even harder with speakers that even further limit your choice of amp?

What you want to do first and foremost is look for efficient and well regarded speakers that are easy to drive. Speakers aren't nearly the big deal everyone thinks. You can build a really impressive and satisfying system with a lot of different speakers. Everyone here knows its true. Everyone here has heard great systems that were neither ML or whatever. Because speakers are only one part. Its what you put with them. So to the extent your speakers limit those other choices they also limit your ability to build a great system. 

One more thing no one has mentioned. Some day, hopefully not soon but you never know, some day you will want to be able to sell them. Which do you think is likely to sell easier, faster and for more money? Some nice efficient easy to drive speakers anyone can use with whatever amp they already have? Or speakers that rule out a lot of buyers because they don't have the amp, or the room, to use them?
I am going to agree with the others. I am a Magnepan owner and have been for 25 years. Both Magnepans and Martin Logans are love them or hate them speakers. If you love them, you don’t want anything else, if you hate them, you are unwilling to live with their compromises. There is no right side in the love them or hate them, just what the individual’s priorities are. Spending this type of money on a type of speaker you have never heard, with no support, and no ability to return is not wise. If you insist, Magnepans, as they are lighter, have a smaller shipping package (single box) and easier to repair.
Totally different animals I owned them both the latest elolutiin 11 
with powered dual woofers and bass room correction 
these were very good , the maggi from the 3.6 on up ,the 1.7 
no for the 3.6 has that great ribbon tweeter, with maggi you need a great sub  the new Svs 3000 great match and under $1k 
you needmuch more room also from behind with a maggi 
and room panels are a plus for both behind them.
Dear Amigo´s you are all being very helpful with your kind and full of wisdom comments. Please keep them coming...much appreciated !!

Certainly helpful to get the "big picture" to make a decision. 

Best regards,