The Physics of Electricity

Can anyone explain clearly in either common parlance or technical terms the difference between a $1,000.00 cable and/or speaker wire versus a $20.00 (or so) one? What does wire "do" in an expensive cable/wire that an inexpensive cable/wire does not? Does it conduct more or "better" electricity?
We have enabled listeners all over the world to get closer to their favorite music by making it sound as crystal-clear as possible.

Don’t want to seem like I’m nit-picking or anything but wouldn’t simply clear be mo bettah than just cut out the middle man ditch the crystal and go directly to clear. Kinda makes sense eh, or am I missing something ?

And then there are the phase shift issues that are at the heart of the manner in which damping functions. Jeez they could gone whole hog on the ultimate and simply invented a mechanical diode or something that has no phase shift ( cause that is the ultimate out of phase decay... )....and fixed it real good. And yeah a mechanical diode is apparently impossible but we are just dreaming and being a bit silly here, aren’t we ?
tobor007,and all...

It should be easy, since it makes an obvious difference.
The problem is that no two hearing systems in a human are the same, and no two minds tied to the mechanics of the individualized ear are the same, and no two people program their hearing the same way.Hearing is half auto and half programmed.

put in a set of earplugs and drive downtown, get out of your car in a parking lot at a mall or what not..and then pull the plugs out. At first, all you will hear is a subsonic to high frequency cacophony of noise.

EVERYTHING coming in, no selectivity at all.

Over about 2-3 seconds, your ear programming will come on line, and curve fit itself to the scenario at hand. Your brain will erase the subsonic out of the equation, the blood in your veins, all of that, the wind..and then set itself up to decode what is going on in that space in front of you and then you will also ad in some conscious control. You can test this all day, and it will play out to your conscious realization exactly the same way, each time. all in that three seconds or so. What happened is that it stopped pedaling when you put the earplugs in, Over time... it shut off.

You take the ear plugs out.... and it slowly turns itself back on in the presence of all that sound.

So YES, a person can hear the filter and mind in unconscious and semi conscious can hear it do it’s thing.

There are some fundamental inferences, but everyone will have individualized them, re the intake into their ’system’..

good hearing is kinda equivalent to excellent rumination and intellect.

We now..hopefully all know we can’t allow people who don’t hear any of it and don’t understand how this works...we can’t allow them to apply their minimum of ignorance (worst:malice) to the equation and screech about ’charlatans’.

The simple straight forward Logic and reason that surrounds the complex equation --- would not allow such a thing...
taras22294 posts08-06-2019 10:39am
We have enabled listeners all over the world to get closer to their favorite music by making it sound as crystal-clear as possible.

Don’t want to seem like I’m nit-picking or anything but wouldn’t simply clear be mo bettah than just cut out the middle man ditch the crystal and go directly to clear. Kinda makes sense eh, or am I missing something ?

>>>>>Uh, Furutech was making a bad pun, aren’t all puns bad?, inasmuch as they were speaking about their “crystal” cable damping technique. 

By the way, Noone has been able to answer my Pop Quiz that asked the question, why do external vibration of audio cables hurt the sound?
Well, it depends who you ask. If you look up Dr Wiki he says the following....which given the currency that defines Dr Wiki's world is pretty well just the bog standard interpretation ( which mostly seem to be variations of you're messing with my magnetic field dude..).

But if one were to present that to the experts in certain patent offices they will say that the effect doesn't exist and all talk about it is just plain hooey.

So pray tell, what are your views on the subject ?
Those 2 links provide good info, unfortunately nothing that answers my pop quiz question that concerns vibration in cables. The first article is not relevant to vibration in audio systems actually. The subject of the first article is electromagnetically excited acoustic noise, which is a horse of a different color.

To whit,

“Electromagnetically excited acoustic noise is audible sound directly produced by materials vibrating under the excitation of electromagnetic forces. Some examples of electromagnetically excited acoustic noise include the hum of transformers, the whine of some rotating electric machines, or the buzz of fluorescent lamps. The hissing of high voltage transmission lines is due to corona discharge, not magnetism.”