taras22294 posts08-06-2019 10:39am
Don’t want to seem like I’m nit-picking or anything but wouldn’t simply clear be mo bettah than crystal-clear....like just cut out the middle man ditch the crystal and go directly to clear. Kinda makes sense eh, or am I missing something ?
>>>>>Uh, Furutech was making a bad pun, aren’t all puns bad?, inasmuch as they were speaking about their “crystal” cable damping technique.
By the way, Noone has been able to answer my Pop Quiz that asked the question, why do external vibration of audio cables hurt the sound?
We have enabled listeners all over the world to get closer to their favorite music by making it sound as crystal-clear as possible.
Don’t want to seem like I’m nit-picking or anything but wouldn’t simply clear be mo bettah than crystal-clear....like just cut out the middle man ditch the crystal and go directly to clear. Kinda makes sense eh, or am I missing something ?
>>>>>Uh, Furutech was making a bad pun, aren’t all puns bad?, inasmuch as they were speaking about their “crystal” cable damping technique.
By the way, Noone has been able to answer my Pop Quiz that asked the question, why do external vibration of audio cables hurt the sound?