Legacy Focus SE or Magico A3

I am looking to upgrade my current speakers, and am looking at the Legacy Focus SE and the Magico A3 speakers, my amp is an Anthem P2 running through an Anthem MRX 520, my Phono stage is a VPI Prime going to a Parasound JC3+,  I also play CD's through a  Rotel RCD-1572, and I do not stream music. Would either of these speakers be a good match for my current set up or do any of you have any better suggestions for speakers at $10,000.00 or less. My room size is 20' X 32' X 8' tall ceilings.
Thanks to every one at this point that have given me suggestions, as I have said I only live about 100 miles from Springfield IL, and I will be visiting the factory again in the next couple of weeks to reevaluate which of the Legacy speakers I can get the best deal on that will fit into my budget.Please keep listing other speakers until then that I might listen to in my area of the country.
I know this is an older thread, but what did you finally decide on alucard?
I recently purchased a set of Focus SE's to go along with my BAT-VK75se's. Can't wait til they arrive!!
I went to AXPONA 2019 for 3 days and listened to at least 30 speakers ranging from $5k-$750k

In the end I purchased the Focus SE.  Hands down the best overall value for the money.  Nothing is perfect but all else being equal these speakers provide more than their fair share of all we are after in the home musical experience.
I was in a similar situation as the OP over the summer.  But I was considering the Magico A5s, Focal Sopra 3s or Revel Salon 2s.  Ruled out Legacy as I was looking for a change (owned several pairs since the 90s and still own them all).  I have 1992 Legacy Focus, 1999 Legacy Classics, 2000 Silverscreen center 1997ish Powered Impact Sub and now I just purchased a new set of Focus SEs in Curly Maple.  The trouble with shopping/listening around now is it's Covid times.  You practically have to put a down-payment down before they'll even set up the speakers and an appointment for a private listening session.  Then, what if I don't like them?  I'd feel like a complete jerk because it's who I am.  So I went back to the drawing board and pulled the trigger on the current Focus SEs.  And let me tell you, they've made huge strides toward better craftsmanship, drivers (massively upgraded over the years) and overall quality.  It is a mind boggling upgrade over my vintage Focus which are more laid-back and almost dull sounding.  And even though there are 2 12" drivers, they put out more bass.  But it's tighter and cleaner.  I have no doubt that Magicos could sound better but at double the price they should.  I bet Focus are 85-90% as good or maybe more.  I love beryllium tweeters but these AMT drivers are truly special.  Especially on snare rim shots and acoustic guitars....  You can also power the Focus with lesser amplifiers - namely tubed amps.  Magicos are a harder load to drive for sure.  I'm using SS gear with an Ayre VX-5 Twenty driving them.  Complete control over the bass region and the imaging is grand.