Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene Placement & Break-In?


I'm hoping to connect with anyone (who like myself), may have owned a pair of the original Joseph Audio Pulsars and who now owns a pair of the JA Pulsar 2 Graphenes. 

I have a small listening room that currently allows for the Pulsar 2s to be 2 feet from the back wall. This worked great with the originals, however, the Graphenes bass response is noticeably more present and now with about 25 hours of playing time in, I'm beginning to feel like the Graphenes need a bit more breathing room. While they sound great where they are with most material, they're sounding a little "boomy" on some of the more bass heavy recordings.

Unfortunately, my room doesn't allow for easy placement experimentation without moving a particularly large piece of furniture. Would appreciate hearing from Pulsar owners on what their placement experience has taught them also, can I expect the bass response to become even more prevalent as they continue to break in? 

Thanks to all,


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Understood they were an issue in your room, but otherwise can you tell me what difference you heard between the originals and the 2s?


The new version 2 is better across all parameters. A more
refined midrange, with beautiful, delicate, crystalline like high frequencies integrated perfectly with a deeper range into the lower registers. While the originals had these qualities as well, the Pulsar 2s have really enhanced these abilities in an immediately audible way. The best way I can sum up the differences is by saying the 2s posses a more refined, full-range, musical sound by achieving what seems to be very difficult, and that is the perfect combination of detail and a flesh and bones life-like musicality.         

Thanks very much jay!  There are very few who have owned both so yours is valuable insight.  Cheers.
hi there, I have recently acquired these same speakers, Pulsar 2 Graphene, and I have, apparently the same bass issue. My room is about 10x13 and I placed the speakers on the wider wall, as I have a full french window on the other, covered by heavy curtains though. I have 2x GIK 244 FRT behind the speakers, 3x 244 FRT on the ceiling, 2x GIK Impression 100 in the middle, between the speakers, and 2x GIK impression 150 behind the listening seat. I am going mad with placing the speakers 1 inch at a time in all possible positions but can't get the bass to tidy up. Almost all sounds are amazing, fantastic really, but some specific low frequencies kill my mood completely. I'm wondering if you have any tips, learnings from your experience. I am also curious what did you end up replacing the Pulsars with?