Thank you guys.
@millercabon: indeed, the more the better as it smooths out frequency response better. I believe Geddes was saying that in the context of minimizing the number of subs, saying optimally placing 3 subs got you almost there (FWIW, like @spenav says above), with a 4th getting you to "100%". That is 4 subs optimally placed get you to his 100%. If the "optimally placed" part gets relaxed, then you need more subs to get you to "100%" (whatever that is). With clear diminishing returns.
This has made me think my listening area is the living room and as such the location of the subs is constrained by living space, so no optimal. Therefore 4 subs should be significantly better than 3.
BTW, millercarbon your experience with mixing 3 different types of subs and getting great results gives me a lot more confidence in the path. Thank you!