Right back at ya jafant!
Did y'all see the thread re the interest in resurrecting Dunlavy? Curious if anyone can compare the Dunlavy sound to Thiel? Geoff Poor was the first guy who explained the importance of time/phase coherence to me, he was also involved in Dunlavy I think, I ended up with used Thiels rather than the new Maggies he had me listen to, but hey the concept stuck. And I bought a BAT amp.
Also, what about Coincident speakers relative to Thiels? What piqued my interest here was system posted by cal3713 (who also had some words of encouragement for me to try to upgrade my XOs after reading the erudite discussions on this thread - y'all have fans out there!), he went from 2.4s to Coincidents. Just wondering what other time/phase coherent speakers sound like.