Its been over a year since the Belles Virtuoso integrated amplifier was supposed to be released, and according to my Belles dealer, who spoke to Dave Belles yesterday, heres' the current situation. Dave and his engineer's are still working on the Preamp section, and will go into production in the very near future. In the meantime, Dave has released the 2-channel Virtuoso amplifier which is available to purchase. The current version is without meter's and price is set at  $ 5495.00. The meter version will be available in the near future and retail for $ 6495.00. The amp weighs 44 lbs. and puts out 200 watts rms @ 8 ohms. Dave mentioned the preamp section is superior to the Aria preamplifier. Still waiting and looking forward to purchase the integrated. After all, patience is a Virtuoso!

" I predict the Vrtuoso integrated will become the new bar standard globally and will blow out the window the SS integrated's from Gamut, Gato Audio, Cary and Levinson. "

Since you don't have a Virtuoso, and therefore could not have done any A/B listening with the other integrated amps you mentioned let alone any others that's a pretty ridiculous prediction seems to me that if you hint, announce or suggest that you might be retiring....just as you are about to introduce a new product....this may not be the best marketing strategy unless you also announce how future service will be handled. The Belles Virtuoso dual-mono power amp is here playing music along with the Virtuoso Preamp at Audio Connection NJ. The Virtuoso is a healthy match for many speakers B&Ws, Magnepans, Vandersteen's, Thiels, etc. For those looking for a sophisticated, strong and capable choice this is a refreshingly different experience seemingly void of electronic artifacts with an endless engaging feel by stepping out of music's way.
The V integrated is in the final stage with just final CAD drawings and should be available October, Best, JohnnyR
I have several 350As and a 28A preamp. Sounds great works well. Have talked to Dave B. In the past...great guy and a heck of a designer. However before I would consider another piece I would have to know if there will be a future continuity for service,mods,designs etc.......... I heave a beautiful B&K AVR 507 which unfortunately failed. B&K shut down, closed its door ,done. Talked to the new buyers and they were only interested in the name. No service , no nothing in support for. B&K equipment. Not good. 
    So.......hopefully Dave/Power Modules will have a positive plan for future service and sales.  Meanwhile I am personally very pro Dave Belles and his designs. Sounds are great👍👍👍

I see the Virtuoso is now front and center on the new webpage that Belles/Power Modules has.

But did anyone ever get one of these?