Best place to sell an amp.

Not sure if this is a fair question to ask here, but I want to sell my Harmon Karden Citation V with the Jim Mcshane modifications. 

Do I list it here? On ebay, on Reverb? Ebay seems expensive, I sold something in here and the buyer beat me up about the price for over an hour. That was exhausting :). Never tried reverb. Thoughts?
Thanks everyone for your comments. Maybe with stereo stuff it's different but I tried to sell some furniture on Craigslist and the there were hordes of scammers with all sorts of stores that must have been so busy because the same ones wrote me on the different pieces I listed.

As for the past experience with the Audiogon buyer, he came to my office offered hundreds less then what I was selling the amp for, and just kept at me for every $5 increment. Nothing wrong with that really but it was annoying.

If I try to distill my question more:
1. Other the craigslist which is free, what are the relative costs to Ebay, Audiogon, US Audio Mart, Reverb?

2. Which place would be best the best place to sell vintage audio stuff that is modded. I understand that is a pretty unanswerable question but perhaps someone might have some insight.

Thank you all!
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US Audiomart....avoid Craig’s list, full of tire kickers and those looking for something for nothing. BTW, I’ve sold on Audio Mart many times. I suggest a full load of photos, showing the packaging too. US Audiomart reminds me of the way Audiogon used to be.

Lately, I sold a six month old pair of 1.7i Maggies, for just a little less than what I paid for them(brand new at Ovation). The buyer(who lived 150 miles North and was my first response) was debating on/balking at ordering a pair, never having heard Magnepans prior. When he saw my ad on Claigslist, he jumped on the chance to hear them. Not one bit of haggling.  Never did list them elsewhere, not wanting to have to ship. That and too many others want too many pieces of one’s pie. eBay even takes a percentage, of whatever you charged for shipping costs. I’ve sold a number of things on AudiogoN, but- not in quite a while. Everyone’s experience will differ, when it comes to selling used stuff, through diverse means.