Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?

What's up guys? I was wondering if there were any tanto v2 owners out there? I recently purchased a pair and I am very happy with them but I was wondering how other owners have there speakers set up,what amps are you using? What kind of amps do you think sound better?Do you find they sound better biamped or not?Etc....
A USB DAC would be a good addition for playing your computer files ... MANY options available these days. You can spend a little or a lot! May want a DAC that has more than just USB inputs if you have an older CD player and wish to use the DAC for that as well (assuming the player has digital outputs - not sure if a ps3 does)

Also, as a side note, if you live near anyone with a tube amp, give that a try with the Tantos. TUBES plus TANTOS = great music :)


I thought of a USB dac but the problem is I have my music stored on an external storage device so I would need something that could display track info so I don't think a USB dac would work ?
th tracks woulod have to display on your computer monitor unless you have something like a Squeeze Box product. Can then use the DAC internal to the SB or digital out to an external processor. SB Touch supposedly has a good DAC built-in; the Duet's is reputed not as good. I have no experience with either. there is also the much pricier SB Transporter
So external drive to squeeze box then from squeeze box digital out to external dac or just use a squeeze box. How good have u heard the dac is? Is it so good I would not need a dac?
I have the Gemme Katana 2s and played them with a Bryston 2BPro and was not impressed with this amp. It had enough juice (so to speak), but nothing special. I also tried them with a EL34 based tube amp - again, wasn't overly impressed with total performance. Tried them with a Pass Labs Aleph 5 (60@8/90 watts at 4 ohms), again, same general feeling.

I like these speakers and feel that they are fairly forgiving. My biggest complaint is the sound stage being neither deep or virtually nothing forward of the speaker plane. I normally run Wilson W/P speakers as my main speakers, but move the Gemme's in and out from time to time.

I now have a Levinson 334 and am planning on running the Gemme's this coming weekend to see if their sound stage improves with this amp (which has better soundstage performance than the other amps I ran these speakers with). FWIW, my room is treated at various locations with Real Traps. My speakers faces are 4 feet out from the wall. My other components vary at times but include: ARC LS16 MK 11 preamp, Levinson 390S CD/DAC and sometimes direct to amp, Esoteric SA-50 CD/DAC and sometimes direct to amp and of course a server based system (running into the DACs of the aforementioned CDPs).

I love the Gemme speakers, but am still trying to find the right amp to improve the soundstage, which is very good laterally and moderately deep (not deep enough with the abover referenced amps), but nothing forward of the speakers. I like a detailed, but not grainy sound over a warm/lush/bloated/loose sound.