AMP or Preamp

What to add next to my system, budget $5000 to $7000?  My current system consist of Wilson Sasha speakers, Yamaha RX-A3050 receiver that I run pure direct, Rotel RB-1590 2x350 amp, Hegel DAC and a Bluesound Vault 2i streamer.  I have been looking at a Mcintosh C2600 to replace the Yamaha receiver to give me the option of adding a turn table at a later date or would adding mono blocks give me the most bang for the bucks or other options?   

Agreed on the integrated amp option. Lots and lots of options out there, but maybe a pass labs offering, or if you like the sound of the Hegel, you could add one of theirs... 
Gheez wiz isn't this the purpose of the discussion to give suggestions.  I'm not trolling just want some suggestions on what to get with people who have more knowlege then myself, just want to hear good music.  I now know the receiver is crap but that's what I have.  I started with speaker which I'm pleased with and now want to go to the next step.  These are the components I have and now I want to improve them. 
Find a Wilson dealer and go and ask to hear as many integrated amps from $5-7k played thru whatever speakers they carry closest to yours and decide what you like.

Listen to solid state (non-tube) and tube versions.  

If you want to be more adventurous try listening to separates (separate preamp paired with stereo power amp or two mono power amps).