Best used floorstander on the FS forum under $2500

What is your vote ? Best under $2500 floorstanders on the FS forum right now ? I am thinking B&W Nautilus 804s maybe
08-26-10: Timtim
My amp is a VERY high current, pure Class A amp which does 50w/ch@8 ohms..100w/ch@4 ohms, 200 w/ch@2 ohms
What brand and model is it? It would help a lot to know the character and quality of the amp.
Room size is 14x20 ... so medium sized. I need a speaker that will the ability to make drums and bass sound real... I also need these speakers to be able to play with enough resolution and control to unravel music like Tool etc
I'm a big Tool fan, too. Both the Von Schweikert and ATC speakers I recommended above will satisfy all your needs. The VS will go deeper with more grunt, but both are very high resolution speakers. ATC's drivers are world famous for their extremely low distortion.

But, be aware that both speakers can reveal weaknesses in your system, especially amp quality, if they are not high quality.
The best picks for your requirements are currently the Von Schweikert VR4 jr, PSB T60, and Revel Performa F50.